The Journey Was His Idea

The Journey Was His Idea

We all know the story about Jesus calming the wind and the waves, right? (Mark 4:35-41) Jesus was on a boat with his disciples and then a storm came. The disciples freaked out because they were afraid the boat would capsize, and they would drown. They woke up Jesus because, yes, he had been sleeping, and Jesus told the wind and the waves to stop. “And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”

Seriously, that story never gets old for me. But the other day, I was reading it and noticed the beginning for the first time. I should know better. The beginnings of stories are so important! But, I had never noticed the first verse of this one. Mark 4:35 says that after preaching by the sea of Tiberius, Jesus told his followers, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Of the sea, that is. And by boat, of course.

So, let’s get this straight. Whose idea was it to cross the sea? The sea that would, in a few hours, be hit by a storm that made the disciples fear for their lives? It was Jesus’. The journey was his idea.

I think we all know what a “storm” feels like to us. Maybe you’re in one right now. Life feels out of control as usual, but in the storm, you are more acutely aware of your inability to control it. That’s what storms are for me–challenging times when none of my efforts to fix, work, perfect, smile, try harder, master, get over it or get through it are working. I’m just here, in a boat, shaking Jesus to wake up and help me.

But if it was Jesus’ idea to cross the lake, he made the decision knowing there would be a storm. It’s not like Jesus said, “Ok, guys, let’s go!” and then a few hours later he was like, “Oh, whoa, sorry guys. I’m God in flesh, but I had no idea this storm was coming.” No. Just like he knew it was time for us to cross the sea; he knew a storm would meet us somewhere in the middle, and he planned on being there in it. Not disappearing for a moment and then coming back when things calmed down, but sticking around during the most scary part and eventually (it doesn’t always happen right away) calming everyone and every wave down.

He is in it. With you. The journey was his idea, so we can be confident that we didn’t do something wrong to deserve the storm, and we can be confident that this storm will not be the one that finally, officially does us in for good. If God said go, and we went, He is with us. The storm will subside, and his presence will sustain us.


  1. Nynke (The Netherlands) on February 11, 2015 at 7:17 am

    Thank you so much. Just what I needed…

  2. kaashaane on February 11, 2015 at 9:26 am

    Amazing article……………really liked it

  3. Shalini Robinson on February 11, 2015 at 10:41 am

    That was super! 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing it. usually, it is sitting right there in front of our eyes and we miss it. But thank God, that He points it out to us from time to time. 🙂 God bless you. This was like a reminder that even though it’s dark, the lamp is burning.

  4. Jim on February 11, 2015 at 10:57 am

    Andrea this is such a positive blog to read as a fellow traveler. It is almost as if you have crossed a
    threshold as a writer and encourager for others of us on the journey. The journey was his idea, He is in it with us. The storm didn’t come because of something we did wrong. When he said ‘go’.it was not put up for a vote. He did not open the door for doubt. The storm can scare us, but it doesn’t scare God. It reeks with GRACE. Well done and thanks.

  5. Charlene Carpenter on February 11, 2015 at 11:40 am

    Thank you, Andrea for this lesson. It is one of your best. I am one of your oldest followers! Charlene Carpenter


    • Andrea Lucado on February 11, 2015 at 2:42 pm

      Thank you, Charlene! I’m proud to have you, someone I respect SO much, as a follower of my blog!

  6. Sarah on February 11, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    Great reminder. Thank you!

  7. Clyde Smith on February 11, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    Reading your “The Journey Was His Idea” is the highlight of my day !!!

  8. Katie Axelson on February 12, 2015 at 5:47 pm

    This is my favorite non-passion Gospel story. I love envisioning the fishermen of the disciples screaming like little girls all because they were obedient because that’s what we do too. Through is all Jesus is just like, “Do you trust Me?” And we wanna say “Yeah, but…”

    • Andrea Lucado on February 13, 2015 at 2:03 pm

      Screaming like little girls, yes, that sounds about right 🙂

  9. tessadoghor on February 17, 2015 at 3:52 am

    It is great when I know that He is with me
    And that I will get to the other side because He is in the boat
    I am not alone.

  10. […] dürfen dem Steuermann vertrauen Der Steuermann weiß, in welche Gewässer er uns führt. Andrea Lucado erinnert in ihrem Post an die bekannte Szene im Neuen Testament, in der Jesus und die Jünger mit […]

  11. Charles Becker on February 15, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    A great reminder that the storms of life will come but if we trust in Him as our savior we must also trust that He will be with us when the storms come

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